Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and for the great adventure you have chosen to travel.
I want to say how much I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the possibility of performing your wedding. Many times with all of the excitement of everything surrounding the wedding, people forget that those brief few words are why they are here.
I am sure you would like to know a little bit about me, which is very simple.
I am Non-Denominational Christian Minister.
My father was a country Presbyterian preacher who taught me not only the Bible but, more importantly, what it means to be a Christian.
I served six years in the Marine Corps and then graduated from Auburn University.
I have been blessed by God with the talent of public speaking.
Thirty-six years ago I had the great good fortune to marry the love of my life, Carla. God has blessed us with the ability to not only love each other thru thick and thin but to also work together.
Over the years, I have married thousands of couples. Because of my own journey, I have been able to relate to people from all walks of life. I love people.
During the course of a wedding ceremony, I am able to not only follow a script but to also speak from my heart. Newlyweds will face many of the same hurdles that their parents and I have already passed. The “Road of Life” isn’t always paved with roses
I guide the Bride and Groom thru the ceremony. I want them to only think of each other not memorized lines or strict adherence to some rehearsed format. This is the most special day of their life and should always be remembered fondly. Jesus loved weddings and used weddings and brides and grooms in many of his parables
By saying this I would like you to understand what this means. My ceremony is of a spiritual nature but it is not a preaching ceremony; even though there are prayers, references to God and you are pronounced Husband and Wife in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. My ceremony is about the two of you and your commitment to each other while asking for God’s blessing for your union. I am a Minister who has the power to unite you in marriage by the Grace of God and with the blessing of the Church. I am ordained through the Church which is registered in the State of Florida. I invite you to make the ceremony your own. I will suggest you have a special person, do a reading, sing a song, write your own vows and more. It doesn’t matter if it is a private two people wedding in the chapel, on the waterfront, in the garden, your B&B, or 500 guest in one of the beautiful churches or ceremony spots in the area it is all about the two of you.
I have only two simple requirements for you. You must have a valid Florida marriage license and you must be very much in love.
I have been performing weddings in St. Augustine for 20+ years. After performing thousands of weddings, I think I can safely say I am the most experienced Wedding Officiant in the area. My philosophy is very simple. This is one of the most exciting and joyful times of your life, a fun experience, but at the same time, it is the most life-altering thing you will ever do. I understand that each wedding I participate in is very different and very special. This is the one thing that has allowed me to have a passion for what I do. Every couple brings a different element, different feeling, a different slant to the ceremony. I can truthfully say I have never officiated a ceremony where I felt like it was just like the one before. The two of you and your personalities make it different than the last ceremony.
We have so many of our Bride and Grooms come back to see us. Some bring their children to be Dedicated or Christened. Some bring back their children just to see where they were married and who married them. Others are here to celebrate an anniversary. We love seeing the families that have developed from the union that I had a small part of.
My wife Carla, is the total inspiration for my wedding ceremonies. We have experienced all the ups and downs; the most joyful moments of life as well as the most sorrowful. We have raised a family together and now have the luxury of watching them raise theirs. Our faith and love is the only constant thing in life and has sustained us through everything. We often speak of the vows that we exchanged so many years ago and it takes us back to that feeling that we had at that very special moment. We wish you the same happiness we’ve enjoyed for years.
I want my ceremony to be a part of your life not just some uttered words to get the ceremony over with. I care deeply that these few minutes that you’re standing in front of your family and friends are exactly what you want to convey to them but more importantly to each other. When you look back it is a moment you will cherish for a lifetime.
I would very much like to discuss with you the possibility of being a part of starting your own family. Please let me know if you have any question or would just like to chat.